Thank you for purchasing Spell Write and inTENse!
With your purchase, we have included access to printable PDF’s of the scoresheet, and instructions.
Files for download:
Spell Write Print and Play PDF – 2 per sheet
Spell Write Print and Play PDF – 2 per sheet – Low ink
Spell Write Print and Play PDF – Instructions
inTENse Print and Play PDF – 2 per sheet
inTENse Print and Play PDF – 2 per sheet – Low ink
inTENse Print and Play PDF – Instructions
Print, then cut the sheets to play with as many people as you like!
You can also inTENsify your game by purchasing the add-on for your retail version, which gives you 4 more dry erase score cards (with inTENse on one side and Spell Write on the other), as well as 4 additional dry erase markers.
Have fun!