Mint Works – Review

Mint Works

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Published: 2017
Game Concept/Design: Justin Blaske
Artists: Felix JansonThomas Tamblyn
Publisher: Poketto
Print & Play Version
Rules PDF
Digital Version (Steam)

Ages: 13+  |  Time: 10 – 20min  |  Players: 1 – 4

Company line:

“Mint Works is a light and straightforward worker placement game. Its compact size makes it easy to put in your pocket and take it anywhere. Its simple rules make it easy to introduce new players to the genre of worker placement.”


Mint Works is a small package game that offer a lot of fun for its size. In this competitive game, players use their “mint” tokens to try and acquire more tokens, lead the next round, or buy and build plans. Plans are how players get points (“stars”) and/or special abilities.

33 Cards, Instruction book, Starting player token, 30 mint tokens

Primary game mechanisms:
Worker placement



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If you like the idea of a quick, light, portable, 2-4 player worker placement game, then grab a copy of Mint Works. It’s charming and fun to play with 2, 3, or 4 players.

Read below for our full review.


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Mint Works is clever and compact. It packs a lot of game into a small portable package. I love that you are engaged, involved, and impacted even when it is not your turn. I highly recommend!

Read below for our full review.


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This game is fun and competitive with straightforward strategy.

Read below for our full review.


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This game has a good balance between strategy and luck. The game itself has so much to do even though there aren't many components. I would highly recommend this game to anyone looking to try something new.

Read below for our full review.

We purchased the game as a Print & Play and printed it ourselves, but it can be purchased at Playpoketto. Because of this, we cannot comment on the quality of the components that come with the retail version of the game, but I can see us purchasing it in the near future.

The retail game comes in a small mint tin and contains a small instruction book, game cards, 30 mint tokens and a starting player token.

Art/Theme/Graphic Design:
The artwork has a clean, industrial and functional look. Some people might find it sterile, but we find it easy to read and pleasant on the eyes.

The theme is mostly superfluous. When playing, we don’t feel like we are neighbourhood planners.

The graphic design is great! The cards are easy to read, and it’s pretty obvious what each card does. Great use of iconography with minimal text.

The rulebook in the Print & Play version is very basic but functional. You can get the graphical instructions for free on Poketto. This graphical version is what comes in the retail version of the game, and what we will comment on. The rulebook is well laid out and easy to read/understand. We appreciate that the rule book has these components:

  • Card anatomy for the two types of cards.
  • Graphical representation of the setup of cards on the table.
  • Keyword explanation
  • A more detailed explanation of the “Location” and “Plan” cards

That being said, we have had to go to BGG to get clarification on some rules, and have compiled a little document of questions and answers that we’ve made available in this PDF.

This is a light worker placement game at its core. 

Location cards are placed in a grid on the table. Above that is the plan deck, plan supply (three cards from the plan deck), and mint supply.

Players are always trying to solve the puzzle of where best to place their tokens in order to out play their opponent(s). This game has pretty limited options each turn, so most people shouldn’t need much time to put together and action their strategy.

On a player’s turn they can place the required number of tokens on an open spot on one of the location cards in the play area. Some cards have only one spot and others have multiple. A spot on a card can only be used once per round. After placing your token(s), depending on what it says on the card, you may be able to perform an action, acquire a plan card, or acquire more tokens. 

Players take turns until everyone has passed (because all of the spots are full, they don’t have enough tokens to play on any open spots, or they don’t want to play). The players then see if any player has 7 points, making them the winner. If there’s no winner yet,  then an upkeep phase is performed, and a new round begins.

The game is quick and dynamic, giving it great replayability. We have played it mostly at 2 players, and like the flow at this player count.

Overall Thoughts:
If you like the idea of a quick, light, portable,  2-4 player worker placement game, then grab a copy of Mink Works. It’s charming and fun to play 2, 3, or 4 players.

You will probably enjoy Mint Works if you like any or all of these:

  • portable games you can put in your pocket
  • light weight games that wrap up in under 30 minutes
  • games that are primarily based around the worker placement game mechanism
  • games that are easy to learn and easy to teach

You may not enjoy this game if you:

  • prefer games that include a lot of strategy
  • don’t like competitive games
  • don’t like worker placement games
  • don’t like games where other players can interfere with your strategy