Dinner and a Movie nights are a fun way to incorporate food and entertainment into one awesome afternoon or evening.
Get creative, pairing your favourite movies or tv shows with the foods they eat or mention in what you are watching.
Or, use your imagination and create a menu inspired by what you’ve chosen for your watch party!
Make labels, menus or tent cards for your food table. Play with the shape, layout, and plating of the foods to resemble anything related to the movie/show you have decided on. Dress up as characters, decorate the room, create or print out games (like trivia) for you and your guests. The options really are endless!
On May the 4th, (or any other day of the year) choose one of the many movies or series in the Star Wars library. Make any combination of the food and drink ideas mentioned below, for a truly memorable experience!
We hope the ideas below help get your creative juices flowing, making for a memorable dinner and a movie!

Boba-que Chips
7 Leia Dip
Padawan Popcorn
Princess Lays
Thai Fighter Noodle Salad
BB8Q Hot Dogs or Veggie Dogs
Jabba the Hutt Dogs
Hoth Dogs
Han Burgers
Chick3PO Salad
Cuke Skywalkers
Boba Fettuccini
Vader Taters/Vader Tots
Princess Leia Space Buns
Padawan-ton soup
Darth Tamale
Obi-Wan Kabob-ies
Finn Fries
Palpatine’s Pizza
Baked PoTatooine
Yoda Soda
Bantha (blue) Milk
Luke Skywater
Jedi Juice
Woo-key Lime Pie
Hans Rolos
Wookie Cookies
Water Melon-ium Falcon
Princess Leia Cinnamon Buns
Corellian Cakes
Death Star Donuts